Now it's January 2010. This month has been amazing already and it's only half way through! I shot an ACTHA ride in MS on the 2nd. Met some amazing folks! Just returned from the Annual ALQHA Banquet last night and although I couldn't stay for it's entirety, it was a lot of fun too! Of course I met even more amazing folks there as well!
For a moment, let's flashback to 1985 when I lived in California from the ages of 10-18,my bedroom was covered in horse pictures from the AQHA Journal,and other stock horse publications. I hung out with Quarter Horse owners and finally bought my own AQHA gelding,a red dun by the name of Mateo Buck.I never showed in the registered shows. I was lucky enough to show in 4-H and a few Open shows in the timed events, but it was difficult to do much at all without the support of show parents. So I quietly worked in the background and soaked up all I could from the people I looked up to.They were quite a handy bunch for the most part too! But the point is, I have always loved the AQHA. The history, the grit,the versatility and the people. Sure I owned and showed Arabs a little bit as well but the AQHA was still near and dear to my heart.
Fast forward to the year 2000. I found myself working for Bartlett Ranch fitting sale fillies and halter breaking. I LOVED it! I was in heaven! Even managed to get a mention and picture in the 2001 May issue of America's Horse,AQHA's exclusive member magazine! I though I had hit The Big Time!
Present Day: I have married my sweet heart and gave birth to 2 boys. I have joined ALQHA to log my hours in the saddle,ridden on a few AQHA rides,ring stewarded under 6 AQHA judges at 3 AQHA shows,ridden with an AQHA Professional Horseman a few times,and have set goals to eventually compete in AQHA's VRH classes. Whew! And now ladies and gentleman, I am officially doing something I never dreamed would have happened: I AM ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS for ALQHA!
It's strange! I didn't want this position but have been asked for over a year to do it by officers and other board members. On the way home last night I had 2 hours in the truck by myself to think about this.What was I scared of? FAILURE! I hate failing and so many times I just refuse to try. I don't like this characteristic in others so why was I willing to accept it in myself? Time for me to BUCK UP!
My grandparents were great at serving! I always admired this trait in them and so did many others. They were passionately involved in a few organizations and made a difference. I always wanted to emulate that! It's such a great example to my boys and maybe,just maybe I CAN make a difference!
To the ladies who PUSHED me into this position I am grateful for the opportunity to TRY! To the others on the board and members of the ALQHA I hope I do not let you down.To my hubby and boys,thanks for understanding why I may be gone a little bit more often...and to the 10yr.old me: LOOK what we're doing!!
So I will end this entry with this: In 2010 if you hear the sound of opportunity knocking or feel that nudge from God,JUST DO IT!
PS-I also have been published for the first time! My picture "Fancy Cowgirl" starring Miss Lena Hernig is on page 140 of the Jan/Feb issue of the Palomino Horse Breeders of America magazine! She's also Miss August in their calendar! Go 2010!

Congratulations Emily!
ReplyDeleteYou have mastered the skill of persisitence and all success is attainable with that Mindset.
Keep up the good Work and I look forward to helping your Journey any way possible
Congratulations Emily!!! You will do awesome!! I admire your strength and drive, it is very inspiring!