Now it's January 2010. This month has been amazing already and it's only half way through! I shot an ACTHA ride in MS on the 2nd. Met some amazing folks! Just returned from the Annual ALQHA Banquet last night and although I couldn't stay for it's entirety, it was a lot of fun too! Of course I met even more amazing folks there as well!
For a moment, let's flashback to 1985 when I lived in California from the ages of 10-18,my bedroom was covered in horse pictures from the AQHA Journal,and other stock horse publications. I hung out with Quarter Horse owners and finally bought my own AQHA gelding,a red dun by the name of Mateo Buck.I never showed in the registered shows. I was lucky enough to show in 4-H and a few Open shows in the timed events, but it was difficult to do much at all without the support of show parents. So I quietly worked in the background and soaked up all I could from the people I looked up to.They were quite a handy bunch for the most part too! But the point is, I have always loved the AQHA. The history, the grit,the versatility and the people. Sure I owned and showed Arabs a little bit as well but the AQHA was still near and dear to my heart.
Fast forward to the year 2000. I found myself working for Bartlett Ranch fitting sale fillies and halter breaking. I LOVED it! I was in heaven! Even managed to get a mention and picture in the 2001 May issue of America's Horse,AQHA's exclusive member magazine! I though I had hit The Big Time!
Present Day: I have married my sweet heart and gave birth to 2 boys. I have joined ALQHA to log my hours in the saddle,ridden on a few AQHA rides,ring stewarded under 6 AQHA judges at 3 AQHA shows,ridden with an AQHA Professional Horseman a few times,and have set goals to eventually compete in AQHA's VRH classes. Whew! And now ladies and gentleman, I am officially doing something I never dreamed would have happened: I AM ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS for ALQHA!
It's strange! I didn't want this position but have been asked for over a year to do it by officers and other board members. On the way home last night I had 2 hours in the truck by myself to think about this.What was I scared of? FAILURE! I hate failing and so many times I just refuse to try. I don't like this characteristic in others so why was I willing to accept it in myself? Time for me to BUCK UP!
My grandparents were great at serving! I always admired this trait in them and so did many others. They were passionately involved in a few organizations and made a difference. I always wanted to emulate that! It's such a great example to my boys and maybe,just maybe I CAN make a difference!
To the ladies who PUSHED me into this position I am grateful for the opportunity to TRY! To the others on the board and members of the ALQHA I hope I do not let you down.To my hubby and boys,thanks for understanding why I may be gone a little bit more often...and to the 10yr.old me: LOOK what we're doing!!
So I will end this entry with this: In 2010 if you hear the sound of opportunity knocking or feel that nudge from God,JUST DO IT!
PS-I also have been published for the first time! My picture "Fancy Cowgirl" starring Miss Lena Hernig is on page 140 of the Jan/Feb issue of the Palomino Horse Breeders of America magazine! She's also Miss August in their calendar! Go 2010!